Know your Passion Podcast

S2EP1:Catch Up With Us

Know your Passion Season 2 Episode 1
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00:00 | 26:31

In this new season, we are getting VULNERABLE and HONEST! And we are probably going to be more unfiltered than ever before. So what better way to kick off this new season than to catch you up on what has been going on with us the last couple of months when we took a break from podcasting! We discuss the new year, new goals. We also talk about overcoming illnesses, setting new priorities and boundaries and the power of loss, and the process of remembering what's important as we step into 2022. 

I hope you enjoy this new season where you will get to hear from different guest speakers who will share with you, our listeners, their journey to finding their passion and living on and in purpose!

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And remember "When you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life"

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